Slow Down |Take a Breath |Turn Within | Return to Self
Basingstoke, North Hampshire
Meet Helen
Hello, I'm Helen. Here's a little bit about me and my journey with yoga so far.
I initially started yoga when my local community center started running a new class. I had been to other fitness classes that were loosely based on yoga and I was intrigued to try ‘real’ yoga. From my very first class I knew I had found my “thing”. I began going to regular classes and then started my own practice at home. I was lucky enough to have some wonderful teachers who inspired and encouraged my practice and I began reading as much as I could on yoga and spirituality.
I knew that I wanted to deepen my practice and understanding of yoga and completed the Foundation Course with The Traditional Yoga Association (TYA) under the guidance of Swami Ambikananda. I then went on to complete my 300 hour Yoga Teaching Certificate, also with the TYA and Swami Ambikananda.​
Yoga continues to have a positive impact on all aspects of my life and I believe the teachings of Yoga are just as relevant today as when they were first practiced thousands of years ago.
I love the way my asana (postures) practice makes my body feel. By this I mean the feeling of ease, space and openness that is created within my body (rather than how the posture looks), as well as the physical benefits of building strength and flexibility. It has also provided me with a deeper awareness and appreciation of my body and a more loving acceptance of my physical self.
My mediation practice helps to soften and quieten my mind and provides moments of stillness where I can turn inwards, experience peace and sometimes explore some of those deeper questions of life. It is not always easy, but through my practice I am more easily able to recognise the “chitter chatter” of my mind and acknowledge my emotions.
By placing attention and focus on my breath I am able to bring myself back to the present moment, my mind begins to soften and some level of clarity is restored. This breath work or Pranayama is another important element of my practice, a few deep nourishing breaths does wonders for the body and mind.
Yoga is an ongoing practice, both in terms of my own practice, but also as a guide, sharing the wisdom of yoga. I look forward to supporting you on your journey with yoga.​
Teacher Training Qualifications
Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Level 1 – Sarah Lo (40 hours Yoga Alliance).
300 hour Yoga Teacher Training with the Traditional Yoga Association (TYA) 2018
Foundation Course with Traditional Yoga Association
British Red Cross First Aid Training – valid until September 2024
Continuing Professional Development
Bringing the Gita to Life - Katherine Pincham at September 2021
Fascia, Meridians and Yoga – Swami Ambikananda TYA January 2020 – March 2020
Teaching One to Ones – Ben Parkes TYA November 2018
Strength versus Flexibility in Yoga – TYA November 2017
Arthritis and Yoga – TYA October 2017
Touch and Adjustment – TYA October 2017